Mini-Review: HomePod mini

HomePod mini in White

That’s not just a clever title! Almost since it launched, I’ve had a HomePod (actually a couple) in the house, and the family has embraced all it offers. Whether it’s just randomly playing a song that comes to mind, shuffling through playlists or Apple Music Stations (go Canadian Classics Radio!), or asking Siri to turn …
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Review: More Taters (YES!) Please

Amazing Poutine

Wow! Sure, this site is supposed to be about design, development and running. But why do you think I run? Cause I love food! And one thing I’ve really grown to love is Poutine! OK, yes, no doubt Poutine is terrible for you. I don’t see it as a core part of any diet plans. …
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Checking in with Android

Pixel 3

As a web and app developer, I have to be familiar with all major platforms. While I use Apple products for developing and personal use, I also have a PC and Android devices for testing. Until recently, my Android test device was an aging cheap plastic hunk of junk that I picked up for less …
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Back to Running (again)

Back to Running

What can I say? Life gets in the way sometimes. Unfortunately for me, life got in the way for a couple years, and I stopped running. Sadly, I didn’t stop eating like I was still marathon training, and it caught up with me. But when Covid hit and I no longer left the house to …
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Selling a House During a Pandemic


We sold our house! And really, aside from having to wear a mask while looking at homes, selling a house during a pandemic wasn’t really that different to selling a house at any other time. Sure – there were limits on how many people could be in a house at a time, and people seemed …
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Review: AirPods Pro

Seriously. Get a pair of these now. Yes, they are expensive. But wow – they’re awesome! When I first got the original AirPods, and realized just how annoying wires are, I knew I’d never go back to regular ear buds. It’s amazing how many times I’d catch a wire on something and have them ripped …
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Beers ‘N Drinks

About a year ago, I launched an Instagram account featuring Beer, Wine, Whiskey and more called Beers ‘N Drinks. Looking over it, it’s easy to get the impression that I drink a lot! And wow – it sure kinda looks bad. To be honest, I enjoy my drinks – obviously that’s why I created the …
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Let’s Try this Again

Fresh Start

Here we go again. I’ve lost track of the number of times I’ve started and then subsequently stopped (or, really, didn’t even start) trying to be more consistent with writing and posting to this site. But I need to do this. It may only be a post every month or two, but I need to …
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Review: Beats Solo 3 Wireless Headphones

I know Beats headphones allegedly don’t provide the best sound quality according to people who supposedly know these things. But as someone who’s had a few different pairs for a few different purposes, I don’t really care. I like they way they look, sound, and fit my lifestyle. They work for me – an average …
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Apple Watch Series 2

Along with a new iPhone 7, I also ordered a new Apple Watch Series 2. One of my biggest issues with the original Apple Watch was the lack of GPS. So, when I watched the reveal and hear that not only would the Series 2 include GPS, but also be faster and more waterproof, I …
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