That’s not just a clever title!

HomePod mini handing off music to iPhone in iOS 14

Almost since it launched, I’ve had a HomePod (actually a couple) in the house, and the family has embraced all it offers. Whether it’s just randomly playing a song that comes to mind, shuffling through playlists or Apple Music Stations (go Canadian Classics Radio!), or asking Siri to turn on or off the lights (which usually works), we’ve incorporated the HomePods into our daily life.

In fact, I enjoy them so much, that I’ve wanted to get one for my office, but could never justify the cost. Then, last year, Apple released the HomePod mini, with a small size and – more importantly – a mini price.

While at $129, it falls just outside of impulse buy territory, if you’re in the Apple Ecosystem at all, I highly recommend picking one up as soon as you can.

I’m an average user – not at all an audiophile with sophisticated hearing, but to my ears, sitting on my desk in my office, the HomePod mini sounds fantastic. Mainly using this one to listen to Podcasts while I work, the sound is clear, full, room filling and the fact that it takes up barely any room on my desk is a bonus.

And now, with iOS 14, handing off music or podcasts from any Airplay 2 compatible app – like the awesome Overcast podcast player – from my iPhone to the HomePod is quick and fun.

I’m not really sure what else to say about this little gem. Sure, Siri still has it’s issues and can be frustrating at times, but I couldn’t be happier with the HomePod mini. It sounds great, it looks cool, it’s fully tied into all my Apple devices and it’s reasonably priced.

Bottom line: it’s an easy recommendation for an instant buy!