As a web and app developer, I have to be familiar with all major platforms. While I use Apple products for developing and personal use, I also have a PC and Android devices for testing.

Until recently, my Android test device was an aging cheap plastic hunk of junk that I picked up for less than $100 from Costco. While it did the trick for years for quickly testing web stuff and the occasional app, I knew I would have to sooner or later get a new device.

While I’ve never been an Android fan, and just don’t like the overall interface and experience, I wanted to get a nice device that was the ‘true’ android, and absolutely not a Samsung device. Cause reasons.

Anyway, I finally managed to get my hands on a Pixel 3. OK, yes, I know, it’s two years + old, so I’m not really making a huge commitment here. But anyway, I got a Pixel 3 and … it’s…. well, it’s Android.

I am WAY beyond the iPhones are great and everything else sucks. Or Android rules and iOS sheep are sheep. I don’t really care. Use the device you want. Whatever works for you, works for you. Your choice makes no difference to me.

So when I say it’s Android, that’s all I mean. It’s fine! It’s got some nice things about it. The Pixel 3 (and maybe only the Pixel 3, and not the 4 or 5 – not sure, but I’ve heard quality is down) is a REALLY nice piece of hardware. It’s a good size, it feels good in the hand, it’s solidly built, and it looks cool.

And Android 11 is easily the best looking version of the OS I’ve seen and used. It’s so much easier to go back and forth between iOS and Android, but it’s still not for me. And you know what? That’s OK. It’s not saying Android sucks, just I prefer iOS.

Maybe as I get used to this, I’ll post more thoughts about using Android, but for now, it’s nice to have a more modern test device that feels great to use and has some cool things going for it.