A few weeks ago I decided to try this whole Intermittent Fasting thing, as part of an overall goal to lose some weight.

I decided to go with the 16-8 system (or probably closer to 15-9 due to my slacking with a late night tea). Regardless, this post isn’t entirely about that.

Part of the ‘starve myself until noon’ routine has been to incorporate Black Coffee into my morning. Previously – FOR YEARS – I have been a tea drinker. The more teas per day, the better my day. Orange Pekoe. Milk, 1.5 (formerly 2) sugars. Tetly. No compromises. Basic, and delicious.

Anyway – I know my worst issue is sugar. I love sweet stuff. And – while I’m no scholar in this whole metabolism and food as fuel and whatever – I know that sugar is a big contributor to weight gain. So if I can cut back where possible, why not.

Enter coffee. Black. Disgusting.

But also, not too bad!

Starting this process, I decided to buy a $30 Black and Decker basic coffee maker, some no-name filters, and a bag of Tim Horton’s Original coffee. Not really jumping in with both feet to a major financial or sophisticated taste commitment.

Anyway, after completely botching the first batch – the pot of coffee tasted like Black Death, I have eased my way into a decent tasting pot to start my day. And you know what? As bad as that first sip is, it’s really not at all horrible. And, it has the added benefit of curbing my hunger. Drinking black coffee is actually making getting till noon without food doable!

Now – is it having any impact? Am I losing weight? Hard to tell. But I do think my clothes fit better, and that’s something. And, I’m drinking less tea a day, so therefore cutting out a tiny bit of sugar. It’s all about baby steps, right?

So, I’m going to continue, and maybe one day, I’ll branch out into getting into different flavours and being a coffee snob. Or, maybe I’ll slip back into my old habits and guzzle tea by the gallon. With Sugar. I’m not that much of an animal.

Now if only there was a way to not have that horrible coffee breath I recognize from so many teachers of my youth…