Well, I didn’t expect that!

Lately my running has been pretty sporadic. I always find the change of seasons to be an annoying time to run, especially Winter to Spring. The wind picks up, there’s usually a lot of wet pavement and grass from melting snow, and the temperature fluctuates wildly.

Overall, I actually prefer running in colder weather in general – mostly because it’s very humid where I live and humidity and I don’t agree. As long as it’s not icy, and as long as I’m layered up properly, I’ll take a cold-weather run over a sweaty humid bath any day.

So, as I heard the wind rattling the windows as I laced up my shoes to head out today for a 5k run after work, I had pretty low expectations. As soon as I took my first steps, I felt a blast of cold air, and wanted to just turn right around and go back inside. But, as they say, the hardest step is the first one out the door, and since I’d already taken it, I decided to trudge on.

My first two km were directly into the wind, and I felt as if I was standing still, even though I knew my legs and lungs were working pretty hard. But when I rounded a corner and hit my half-way mark, my watch told me that my pace was about 15 seconds faster per km than my recent runs (5:40 vs 5:55 for those keeping track).

With the wind at my back as I passed 3k, I looked at my watch and saw a pace of 5:21/km – about what I ran 8 years ago when I was in much better shape, and WAY too fast for my 47 year old body. But still, for a few strides there, I felt great! However, my 47-year old brain took over and told me to slow down and not risk injury.

I wish I could say I eased into a slower pace, but I my initial quick start was coming back to hit me and I suffered through my last km to finish with a total time of 28:21. Overall, it was one of my fastest 5k in years, and a sign that maybe my goal time of 27:30 (which, once upon a time was my slow, easy run pace) is possible once again!