Of course this is cliché.

Another New Year’s Day post promising change! A New Workout Routine! A New Me! Out with the old, in with the new! Yadda yadda. Been there, done that.

This isn’t one of those, and yet, of course, it is.

I’m 48. Soon to be 49. My previous plan of running for a few weeks to compensate for bad body-bloating habits was an occasionally successful part of my past. At this age, and going forward, it certainly can’t be part of my future.

I still love pizza, beer, burgers, chocolate, wine and essentially everything bad for me. And, knowing me, that’s never going to change. If I’m unwilling to change what goes in, I need to change what I do once it’s in there. And that means amping up the exercise. And consistency. And commitment. Once that hopefully catches hold, maybe what goes in will change too. You gotta start somewhere.

Of course anyone reading this – which is close to nobody – is probably thinking ‘you idiot – what goes in is the most important part. 80% diet; 20% exercise’. And of course that’s true – or at least more true than ‘continue to eat crap and expect miracles with a 2km run.’

I know that.

But like I said, you (I) have to start somewhere.

And today Рas clich̩, worn out, tired and lame as it is РI started.

A 3km run broken up by a 0.5km walk, and topped off with a 2.25km walk at the end was a start. It wasn’t fast. It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t even really fun. But it was a start.

My plan is to keep something like this up 3x per week. Eventually, that will morph into a 3km run with a bit of a break and then another run. And eventually that will grow to 4km straight, then 5km and maybe up to 10km.

Part of my plan is to also document what I’m doing. After all, I named this site Create. Code. Run. The run part has been missing for a long time. It’s time to get some of that balance back.

No doubt there will be setbacks along the way.

When those happen, it’s back to the start, or back to whatever I can handle before needing to stop. The point is to keep trying.

And today, I tried.